My blogging has gone way down, as I thought it might, since I started another venture--work--and the novelty wore off. My husband calls me a fickle woman at times. I don't think it to be true in most things, but yes, in some things I can lose interest pretty quickly. Don't get me wrong! I think blogging is great, especially if you need something to keep you updating in the journal department. I kept a journal faithfully through my young adult life, starting with a diary in HS, which I still have and I look back at it and think OMGoodness, was I really that naiive, shallow, wise, faithful, etc. when I was just 16 - 18? Now the journaling has tapered off to nothing and so an occasional blog entry can somewhat fulfill that aspect of life, although I don't think blogging totally replaces journaling. Because a journal is private, your deeper feelings can be recorded. For me, blogging is kind of superficial and transparent---but fun.
Well, my sister and her husband have left for Paris. They will be there for around 10 days. The last trip they took was to India I believe. They are quite the travelers. I, on the other hand, have been to Canada! I can't say that I feel like I'm missing out. For me, every day is an adventure and I love my life. If I'm a healthy person, I'm a happy person. But I did ask for some parisian chocolate. I'm not even sure Laura can do that because it's so restricted these days. But she's a sweetheart like that, and I know she'll bring me back at least a postcard. I know she'll be missing her two little boys, who are staying with her mom-in-law. Carter has just been weaned and Harrison is a very energetic 3-year-old. So I think she is ready to get away just a bit. I'd say that is getting away a bit, wouldn't you?
Eddie is still in his braces. At almost 21 having braces is a real hindrence. But as with any trial, it can be turned into a blessing and I think it will eventually be to his benefit. We went on a great hike for Mother's Day. It was nice to spend some time with him one on one. We are so busy these days and once in awhile it's nice.
Greg has started a blog and his is amazing. I need to get him to show me how to put on a playlist and how to put up wallpaper (I still haven't figured that out) and how to write and how to get helpful information so that other people will actually find it worth their time to follow. His blog is
Can I just say that I've enjoyed visiting with my Dad so much? I went over last night and found him sick with a really bad cough and a fever of 100. He hadn't eaten and I was glad that I had brought him some of our Sunday dinner. This is a man who deserves to be taken care of and loved for the rest of his life. He shouldn't be without a visitor for even one day. He has always given liberally to people and lived such a simple life himself. I don't know what I'd do without him. He is my hero. We've had our disagreements in the past, but I'm glad that I overcame my resentments and just forgave. Who hasn't had a few issues with their parents? It opened up so many horizons as to who he is and helped us to understand each other.
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