Friday, April 23, 2010

I Think I Like This Version Better


scrilla said...


Anonymous said...

OMG! That was wonderful and sooooo true. Reality will kill fantasies every time - but then here comes Romeo with his mama in the front seat, ha! ha! ha! This was delicious. Thank you for this and for your comment on my blog and the follow. Of course I'm following you. I love your blog!!!! It made my day! "I was thin and you had hair...ha, ha, ha,...

Chastina said...

Thank you for sharing! That was great!

Katie (Lemon Jitters) said...

haha. I hate the original because of it's ridiculous fluff so it's nice to hear the 'real' story.

Thanks for the blog comment! I'm glad you like your earrings. :)

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

My new favorite song!

le Chef said...

Wuv, twu wuv .. BWA-HAHAHAHA!
I still haven't gotten around to shaving.

Maybe for our 20th anniversary.

A GAL NEEDS... said...

Ha Ha you guys are funny! The things you find on You Tube!

Richard & Natalie said...

I think I like the real version better too. What a great find on You tube!

Clueless_Mama said...

OMG, I am still cracking up!! I LOVE this I think you should make a music video for TV!! This is soooo real!! You go girl!!